LUPEPAC denounces Trump/Bannon fear mongering ad from the Kim Guadagno’s campaign for Governor

LUPEPAC denounces Trump/Bannon fear mongering ad from the Kim Guadagno’s campaign for Governor


New Jersey, October 12, 2017


LUPE PAC, the premier organization representing the interests of Latina women in NJ, denounces the anti-immigrant campaign ad run by the Kim Guadagno for Governor Campaign.


“Portraying immigrants as criminals is a Trump/Bannon tactic to appeal to their radical conservative base,” stated Patricia Campos-Medina, President of LUPEPAC.  “By choosing to use fear as a tool to reach the radical ‘confederate-flag voters’ in NJ, Kim is demonstrating she is fundamentally no different than President Trump and Chris Christie.  Instead of attacking immigrants, Kim should be focused on bringing NJ together and protecting families from further economic decline after eight years of the failed economic policies under the Christie and Guadagno administration.”


LUPE PAC believes that protecting the rights of immigrant families is a fundamental issue for Latinas women because we are at the forefront of the struggle to protect out families and our children. In NJ today, we have thousands of families under the threat of deportation. A sanctuary city policy makes our communities safer because immigrants will feel safe to collaborate with local police departments to report local crime and to improve public safety.


The portrayal of “sanctuary cities” as a protection for criminals is false and an attack on all law abiding, hard working and entrepreneurial Latinos who make this state’s economy stronger.


LUPE PAC denounces Kim Guadagno’s Trump/Bannon tactics and asks that she removes the ad because it further polarizes our local communities.  Creating fear should not be an acceptable tool for political gain.


LUPE PAC applauds Phil Murphy’s position on immigration and immigrant’s rights.  Both Phil Murphy and Sheila Oliver will stand up for immigrant women as they fight to keep their families together.


We urge all NJ voters to stand up against hate and say NO to Kim’s radical politics of division for New Jersey.




LUPEPAC is the premiere statewide organization supporting the interests of Latinas and promoting more Latina representation in NJ politics.


Following is the list of members of the Executive Board of LUPE PAC: 

Patricia Campos Medina, President; Zulima Farber, Vice-President; Arlene Quinonez-Perez, Treasurer; Sonia Delgado, Recording Secretary; Grissele Camacho, Milagros Camacho, Carol Cuadrado, Lizette Delgado-Polanco, Julie Diaz, Lucia Gomez, Shawn Laurenti, Kay Licausi, Laura Matos, Analilia Mejia, Carmen Mendiola, Cristina Pinzon, Ana Maria Tejada, Noemi Velazquez and Katilia Velez.



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