LUPEPAC Statement on Lack of Gender Diversity Among Hugin Campaign's Interns

LUPEPAC Statement on Lack of Gender Diversity Among Hugin Campaign's Interns


Last Friday, U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin proudly posted on social media a photo of him with his campaign interns. One thing clearly stood out: there is not a single woman in the group. If Bob Hugin intends on representing New Jersey, the lack of gender diversity in this photo proves the opposite. In fact, it resembles the utter lack of respect for women that is trademark Donald Trump.


Despite great strides, the glass ceiling still exists for young women, with respect to gender equality. Women’s rights continue to be attacked by a demagogue President Trump and a Republican Party that seeks to enact those same biases. Bob Hugin, who claims to be a “different kind of Republican,” has clearly chosen to adhere to that same Trump practice.


For many women, government and campaign internships are the stepping stone to a career in politics. In a male-dominated field, all candidates for office must promote the success of young women. By not providing young aspiring women this key first step into politics, the reality of breaking the glass ceiling will continue to elude us.


As a candidate, he has the opportunity to elevate young women in this industry, instead, he has chosen only to elevate a group of young men. Actions speak louder than words and it’s crystal clear Bob Hugin is following the path of Trump.

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