MacArthur Addresses Attacks from Outside Groups

MacArthur Addresses Attacks from Outside Groups

Marlton, N.J. – Today, Congressman Tom MacArthur held a press conference to address attacks aimed at him from outside partisan groups. These attacks include hundreds of thousands of dollars in paid media advertising from conservative and liberal groups.

“During my 27 months in office, I have met with literally thousands of constituents, a great number who hold opposing viewpoints,” said Congressman Tom MacArthur. “I value their engagement and their feedback.  Representing a congressional district that twice voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, and then voted for President Trump in 2016, means that I have constituents who are good and decent people, and even next door neighbors and friends, but who hold completely different views on politics and policy. It’s my job to represent them the best I can.”

“I came to Washington to roll up my sleeves, and work with both parties to shape policy. That’s been my approach to finding solutions to tough problems, like repairing our health care system.  And because of this—I’ve been getting attacked from outside group from both sides of political spectrum. One ad is even falsely claiming that I support legislation that would not cover pre-existing conditions—this is simply not true. I have never and will never support legislation that does this. It is important for my constituents to know the truth that well-funded and highly-organized special interests, in some cases even masquerading as constituents, are pushing political agendas and intentionally misleading them on my positions.

“This is no way to fix problems—we need to work together and compromise in order to achieve real change.  It’s time for all of us to respectfully discuss the differences we have so we can find solutions, instead of pointing fingers.”

In recent weeks, conservative group “Club for Growth” and the liberal organization “Save my Care” have launched attack ads against Congressman MacArthur. A recent email obtained by Congressman MacArthur’s office shows that outside groups are organizing people from outside his congressional district to demonstrate against him.  In their own words (and caps), they are “asking for OTHER Districts to come to increase the numbers.”

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