MacArthur Calls for FEMA to Expedite Damage Assessments

MacArthur Calls for FEMA to Expedite Damage Assessments


Toms River, New Jersey – Congressman Tom MacArthur today called on FEMA to expedite the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessments (PDA) for Individual Assistance. The State of New Jersey requested the PDA as a result of flooding that occurred from August 11-13, hitting the Township of Brick particularly hard. MacArthur was in Brick with Ocean County Sheriff Mike Mastronardy to meet with impacted residents and volunteers on August 21, 2018.


“I welcome SBA and FEMA’s assistance to the ongoing efforts of the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management to gather information about the scope of damage caused by this storm,” wrote Congressman Tom MacArthur. “Having spent time in Brick over the last week, I can tell you firsthand that Ocean County needs additional federal resources as soon as possible to help restore these neighborhoods and make these individuals whole again.”


Full text of Congressman Tom MacArthur’s letter to FEMA Administrator Long:


August 24, 2018


William B. “Brock” Long


Federal Emergency Management Administration

500 C St SW

Washington, DC 20024


Dear Administrator Long,


The State of New Jersey has formally requested FEMA conduct Joint Preliminary Damage Assessments for Individual Assistance in a number of counties in New Jersey, including Ocean County in my district. This is a result of the flooding from August 11-13th that I previously wrote you about.


Please consider this request as expeditiously as possible and give full consideration to the devastating damage that was caused. My staff and I are available to provide any additional information necessary to demonstrate the need for federal assistance. The scope of damage and unique challenges faced by this population that is both outside of the flood zone, and occupied largely by seniors on fixed incomes, necessitates all available resources from the federal government.


I welcome SBA and FEMA’s assistance to the ongoing efforts of the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management to gather information about the scope of damage caused by this storm. Having spent time in Brick over the last week, I can tell you firsthand that Ocean County needs additional federal resources as soon as possible to help restore these neighborhoods and make these individuals whole again.


I look forward to working with your office to demonstrate that need and ensure these funds are disbursed as quickly as possible to the many in need in Ocean County.


Thank you for your continued engagement on this important issue.




Tom MacArthur

Member of Congress


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