MacArthur Campaign: Andy Kim Should Cancel Elizabeth Warren Fundraiser
Toms River, July 26, 2018 – Andy Kim’s decision to lock arms with and raise money alongside radical leftist Senator Elizabeth Warren is a direct shot at the over 40,000 men and women employed by Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst and the hundreds of thousands more who rely on the base for economic investment in their communities and small businesses, said Congressman Tom MacArthur today.
MacArthur called on Kim to immediately back out of the planned Warren fundraiser this Friday night in Short Hills and return any money raised from the event. The MacArthur campaign highlighted three Warren votes that would have doomed the Joint Base to the fate of Fort Monmouth – a victim of BRAC that left a gaping economic hole in the communities it encompassed and was surrounded by.
FY 2016 - H.R. 1735 – Warren Voted Nay
This bill contained language to prohibit the retirement of the KC-10, a provision expressing strong support for KC-46A Tanker as a critical enabler of power projection. It also funded the KC-46 program at $2.3 billion.
FY 2017 - S. 2943 – Warren Voted Nay
This bill contained a sense of Congress that the Secretary of the Air Force, as part of the strategic basing process for the KC–46A aircraft, should continue to place emphasis on and consider the benefits derived from outside the continental United States. This bill contained $2.9 billion for KC-46 procurement and additional funds for R&D. The bill also contained $4.6 million for KC–10A procurement
FY 2019 - H.R. 5515 – Warren Voted Nay – 85-10-5
The bill includes $2.06 billion for procurement of 12 KC-46A air refueling tankers and $50.0 million for interim contractor support. A section would require the Secretary of the Air Force to increase the current air refueling tanker fleet from 457 to 479 primary assigned aircraft before it can begin to retire KC-10A aircraft. Language to express the sense of Congress in support of industry and Air Force ensuring that the first KC-46A tanker is delivered in fiscal year 2018.
"While I have successfully fought against Washington dysfunction to help secure the Joint Base, extremists like Elizabeth Warren have put its future in jeopardy,” said Congressman MacArthur. “Andy Kim has a choice to make – and it should not be a difficult one. Either he stands with the Joint Base and the people of Burlington and Ocean Counties or sells us out to stand on a stage with a radical politician like Elizabeth Warren, who repeatedly voted to block the very mission that secured the future of the Joint Base.”