MacArthur Campaign: Kim Ad Exaggerates Resume…Again 

MacArthur Campaign: Kim Ad Exaggerates Resume…Again 


Toms River, New Jersey – Congressman Tom MacArthur called out Andy Kim for another resume exaggeration in his latest television ad. Kim, who received two Pinnochios for “stretching his resume to elastic extremes” in September, is yet again fluffing his resume.


In Kim’s latest ad, he calls himself “Director, White House National Security Council”, which is not the title he held. Andy Kim was “Director for Iraq at the White House National Security Council” and he was referred to as a “relatively junior level national security aide” by Politico in November 2014.


“I am just baffled at how Andy Kim continues to lie about jobs he has held. This is a guy standing in a fake war room, designed to fool voters with White House-like imagery, using a fake title to talk about time spent in the Situation Room,” said Congressman MacArthur. “I don’t know why Andy would omit ‘for Iraq’ in his ad, outside of trying to intentionally deceive people into thinking he was more than he was. He’s a junior level aide trying make it seem like he was a big player. He wasn’t. It’ll be interesting to hear him explain this one at the debate tonight.”


Background Information

Andy Kim has called himself “director for Iraq on President Obama’s National Security Council”. [] and his own LinkedIn includes the title, “Director for Iraq at the National Security Council”.

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