MacArthur Campaign: Kim Breaks Campaign Promise on Accepting Corporate PAC Contributions

Kim Breaks Campaign Promise on Accepting Corporate PAC Contributions

Candidate spending over $900,000 coordinated with DCCC


Toms River, New Jersey – Today Congressman Tom MacArthur called out Andy Kim for accepting over $900,000 in coordinated expenditures with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which accepts corporate PAC contributions. This would be a direct contradiction with Andy Kim’s repeated claims that he would not accept “a dime from corporate PACs.” This $900,000 in coordinated expenditures is in addition to more than $2 million being spent by House Majority PAC on false ads that Andy has yet to disavow.


“It is absolutely absurd for Andy Kim to claim that he is not accepting money from corporate PACs, when he is in the midst of spending nearly one million dollars in coordination with the DCCC. "I am calling on Andy Kim to admit his 'no corporate money' pledge is now officially bogus – just one more lie to add to a growing list about his candidacy,” said Congressman Tom MacArthur. “Andy needs to answer for telling yet another blatant lie to voters in South Jersey and he needs to reject further assistance from the DCCC, which accepts corporate PAC contributions. Andy’s holier-than-thou hypocrisy knows no bounds. I wish I could say I’m surprised, but I’m not. After all, this is the same guy who endorsed corrupt, career politician Bob Menendez at an anti-corruption rally.

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