MacArthur Campaign: Questions Andy Kim is Ducking by Avoiding Joint Appearance with Congressman MacArthur

Questions Andy Kim is Ducking by Avoiding Joint Appearance with Congressman MacArthur

Andy “Anytime, Anywhere” Kim running scared, proving himself a lightweight



Toms River, May 31, 2018 – Since Andy Kim is refusing to appear jointly with Congressman Tom MacArthur on this weekend’s “On the Record with Michael Aron,” which tapes tomorrow, here are some of the questions he is hoping to avoid:


Why did Andy Kim refuse to appear jointly with Congressman Tom MacArthur and Michael Aron?


  • On February 13, 2018, Andy Kim agreed to do a joint interview with Michael Aron and Congressman MacArthur. A NJTV producer emailed saying, “Just got off the phone with Andy Kim’s campaign. He’s agreed to do a segment with Rep. MacArthur. They would like to do it on March 2nd. Let me know if that’s workable on your end.” This had to be rescheduled and both campaigns agreed to do a solo segment with Michael Aron.


  • NJTV was notified on May 8th that Congressman MacArthur could get to Newark on June 1stfor the joint appearance with Michael Aron and Andy Kim.  On May 16th, NJTV emailed saying, “I would like for the Congressman and Andy Kim to sit down together for a discussion moderated by Michael Aron.” MacArthur’s team responded the same day saying, “Tom would most certainly prefer a joint conversation with Michael and Andy.” On May 22nd, NJTV advised that Andy Kim is “not agreeing to a joint interview.”


What made Andy Kim think he was above the law when he cheated on his property taxes?

  • Andy Kim doesn’t own property in New Jersey nor does he pay property taxes here.  He is currently registered to vote at 17 Winding Brook Road, Bordentown Township, which is owned by Kathleen Berlin, P.O. Box 8005, Trenton, NJ 08650.
  • When he paid the 2017 tax bill on his $826,000 Washington, D.C. condo on September 15, 2017, Andy Kim claimed a $72,450 homestead tax credit intended for people whose principal place of residence is Washington, D.C. or who are domiciled there.  The District of Columbia Office of Tax & Revenue notes on every tax bill that home owners who are no longer eligible for this substantial tax credit because they are not domiciled in D.C. or do not consider it their primary residence “are obligated to inform” the office in writing within 30 days to cancel the tax relief.
  • Despite registering to vote in Burlington County on May 10, 2017 at 94 Woodlake Drive, Marlton (the home is owned by Solomon & Marjorie Jacobs, 25 Harrowgate Drive, Cherry Hill), voting in the Democratic Primary Election on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 and announcing his candidacy for Congress in NJ-3 on June 19, 2017, Andy Kim still claimed that 652 L Street, NE, Washington, D.C. was his principal place of residence on September 15, 2017 according to the District of Columbia Office of Tax & Revenue.

Why did Andy Kim exaggerate his resume and edit his website to cover-up prior claims?


  • Andy Kim exaggerated his resume, claiming he helped “lead a global war against ISIS” in early 2011, but official government records list him as a low-level “notetaker” later that same year.


  • Kim said he helped “design our nation’s strategy for war against ISIS in 2013, but national news reports refer to him as just a “relatively junior national security aide” in 2014.


  • Kim edited the biography on his campaign web site to significantly tone down previous claims about his professional resume.


  • Kim’s initial public biographies were clearly intended to give readers the sense that he was a high-level military strategist, even going so far as to say he helped “build a strong military” and “designed…strategy for war” and helped “lead a global war against ISIS.” Yet, on Kim’s newly sanitized biography, which currently adorns his web site, the war rhetoric is completely gone, as are the exalted claims about him designing military strategies or leading wars against terrorism. Now, he “worked at the White House” and “advised” people.


Why did Andy Kim flip-flop on his support for specific European-style health care legislation?


  • According to a National Journal report on May 20, Andy Kim “spoke in gauzy generalities, declining to endorse any specific proposal like a single-payer health system…” and outright denied he ever supported specific legislation during a recent appearance at a local Democrat club meeting.


  • This is a flip-flop from Kim’s public embrace of specific legislation in January, when he said, “I definitely want to make sure that we can have universal healthcare”. When he was interrupted by a progressive activist asking him specifically about HR 676, Andy Kim said, “I agree on the values of that and agree with you on the goal.”


Why did Andy Kim embrace the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act after calling for its repeal?


  • Andy Kim told the Burlington County Times that he wants to see aspects of the GOP tax reform bill extended, following months of him describing it as “awful”, “horrible”, and a “scam”, in addition to saying “everyone hates [it]” and pushing people to “take action to repeal the Trump tax” and donate to his campaign.
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