MacArthur Urges FEMA Assistance for Brick

MacArthur Urges FEMA Assistance for Brick


Toms River, New Jersey – Today Congressman Tom MacArthur urged FEMA Administrator Brock Long to deploy every available resource to assist the recovery efforts in the Township of Brick, New Jersey. On Monday, August 13, 2018, flooding destroyed over 100 homes in a senior community.


“The seniors who were blindsided by this flood on Monday are hurting and they need our help. While the damage is being assessed, I want to ensure that FEMA is doing everything possible,” said Congressman Tom MacArthur. “Additional staff, rental assistance, and clean-up resources are critically important right now, not just in Brick, but in several areas across the State of New Jersey. In Brick particularly, the fact that most of the victims of this storm are seniors, makes the need for assistance that much more dire. I look forward to discussing this with you directly in the very near future.”


Below is the letter to FEMA Administrator Brock Long:


August 17, 2018


William B. “Brock” Long


Federal Emergency Management Administration

500 C St SW
Washington, DC 20024


Dear Administrator Long,


As you are aware, a severe rain storm struck New Jersey on August 13th, 2018.  I am urging you to deploy all available federal resources to respond to this devastating storm to ensure a full recovery as quickly as possible.


The National Weather Service reported that nearly 8 inches of rain fell in the Township of Brick on Monday, which is what the area experiences over two months, in less than three hours. Over 100 residents were forced to evacuate and New Jersey declared a state of emergency in five counties, including Ocean County, which I represent.


This is particularly harmful because this community is largely populated by senior citizens on fixed incomes, creating unique challenges for these residents to relocate. Since this community is outside of the flood zone, residents are not required to purchase flood insurance, leaving many of these seniors without any financial support. While the immediate response by state and local emergency responders was professional and strong, the scope of this storm has created a significant burden on a community that is not accustomed to dealing with this severity of flood damage.


To put it simply, our community needs federal assistance immediately and I look forward to discussing this with you directly in the very near future.


Thank you for your consideration.




Tom MacArthur

Member of Congress


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