Make the Road Action Hails Passage of the Dream and Promise Act (HR 6) in the U.S. House of Representatives

Make the Road Action Hails Passage of the Dream and Promise Act (HR 6) in the U.S. House of Representatives

Across Party Lines, the Entire New Jersey Delegation Supported the Act, Which Would Grant a Pathway to Citizenship to 2 million immigrants, including DACA and TPS Holders

Organizing by New Jersey Immigrants Lead to this Momentous Victory, the First Pro-Immigrant Legislation to Pass the  House under the Trump Administration

(Elizabeth, NJ) June 5, 2019, On behalf of Make the Road Action, youth leader Erika Martinez issued the following statement: “I am thrilled that the Dream and Promise Act passed out of the U.S. House of Representatives last night – the first pro-immigrant legislation to pass out of the House under the Trump administration –  with support across party lines and from the entire New Jersey delegation. We won because immigrant youth and adults have organized across the state, in elections, on the streets and in our communities. An anti-immigrant Motion to Recommit, which would criminalize our communities, was also defeated. I thank all of the members of the New Jersey delegation for voting for the Dream and Promise Act, and thank Congressman Pascrell, Pallone, Watson-Coleman, Malinowski, Kim, Sherrill, Sires, Payne and Norcross for voting against the Motion to Recommit. I live in Elizabeth NJ, one of the top 25 cities that would benefit from the Dream and Promise Act (HR 6). If this bill becomes law, it means my mom, my aunts, my uncles, and me would be safe from deportation. We call upon the U.S. Senate to pass the bill swiftly, without poisoning it with additional funding for border enforcement and deportation forces that will separate our families.”

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