Malinowski Campaign: Lance Caught Disparaging Assault Survivor

Lance Caught Disparaging Assault Survivor

Audio recorded at a recent meeting of the Rutgers College Republicans featuring Rep. Leonard Lance reveals Lance minimizing and doubting, without any evidence, the allegations of sexual assault put forward by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh. In his opening remarks Lance asserts, “I think Judge Kavanaugh is a brilliant judge. I tend not to believe the charges.” Despite already stating his conclusion, Lance conceded  there should still be testimony from both sides.


“It’s extremely troubling that Lance’s first instinct upon hearing these serious allegations is to assume Dr. Ford is lying. It is precisely that tendency to dismiss women who make the hard decision to come forward that discourages so many survivors of assault from doing so,” said Malinowski. “Jumping to conclusions based on partisanship rather than objective investigation is exactly what is wrong with Congress right now.”


Since coming forward, Dr. Ford has received death threats and has been the target of public harassment from President Trump. This week a second accuser came forward. Though testimony has been scheduled for tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote for Friday. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said that the Senate is going to “plow right through” to confirm Kavanaugh no matter what it hears from Dr. Ford.


“Lance’s suggestion that Ford should testify in the same breath he casts doubt on her claim underscores the farce these nomination proceedings have become. Judgement has already been cast. The vote has already been scheduled. For Lance, it appears going through the motions is enough. That’s not justice; that’s theatre,” said Malinowski Campaign Manager, Colston Reid.


Lance’s remarks are the subject of a new digital ad featured below:

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