Malinowski For Congress: 3 Reason Why Leonard Lance Won’t Protect Your Health Care

3 Reason Why Leonard Lance Won’t
Protect Your Health Care
“Facts matter. The fact is that Lance has had 10 years in Congress and has done nothing to advance the fight for affordable health care access for his constituents,” said Malinowski Campaign Manager, Colston Reid.
1. Lance ignored the over 300,000 NJ07 residents with preexisting conditions when he voted for a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act,19 times.
2. Lance is too busy taking pharmaceutical company campaign donations ($100,000 and counting this year) to lower drug prices for his constituents.
3. Lance would rather spend his time, while in session, lobing silly digs at Tom Malinowski than stand up to his own party's plan to gut medicare to balance the budget.
“Lance has had his chance. 10 years to prove he’s in touch with the values of NJ07 voters, but inead he votes for Paul Ryan enabling his assaults on affordable health care, higher taxes for New Jerseyans, and Republican extremism from guns to separating families, added Reid. “The only standard that should matter in determining the next Speaker should be, who will do the most for New Jersey on tax relief, making health care affordable, and getting Gateway built. That is Tom’s criteria. Lance can’t make the same commitment.”