Malinowski Raises $1.3 Million in Second Quarter

Malinowski Raises $1.3 Million in Second Quarter

(Bridgewater, NJ) Tom Malinowski closed out the second fundraising quarter of 2018 raising over $1.3 million. This brings his total fundraising since entering the race in October of last year to more than $2.3 million with $1.6 million cash on hand.

“The enthusiastic support our race has received is humbling and motivating,” said Malinowski. “Everyday we strive to honor the investment so many hard working people have made in this campaign. Since the primary we’ve already knocked over 15,000 doors, made over 17,000 phone calls, and are meeting new supporters every day ready to change their leadership in Washington.”

Malinowski has received the endorsement of End Citizens United, and has pledged not to take Corporate PAC contributions.

“Lance is a typical politician only interested in protecting his seat. He’s got an A rating from the NRA, repeatedly voted to defund Planned Parenthood, and has made it a mission to gut his constituents health care coverage, all the while enjoying the benefits of his own taxpayer-funded Cadillac healthcare plan,” said Malinowski Campaign Manager, Colston Reid. “That’s not the kind of representation this district wants and the incredible outpouring of generosity we have received backs that up.”

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