All Democratic elected officials and Party leaders support Josh

Red Bank, NJ - Manasquan Democratic Party leaders and elected officials today unanimously endorsed Josh Welle  for Congress adding to a groundswell of support.

“Josh Welle is the right  candidate at the right time to take on Chris Smith and win,” said Manasquan Democratic Committee Chairman Michael Mangan. Mangan, who has also served as executive director of the Monmouth County Democrats and the county Democrats’ campaign manager, said Welle is uniquely qualified to beat Smith.

"We know a thing or two about how to win in a difficult political  landscape,” said Mayor Edward Donovan. “Josh is speaking to the issues important to our community -- protecting the Jersey Shore from offshore
drilling, fair taxes that don’t penalize New Jersey, and safety in our neighborhoods.”

Democratic Council members Jeff Lee, James Walsh, Joseph Bossone and Richard Read also announced their support for Welle.

“Each day the chorus of those calling for a change in Congress gets louder,” Welle said. “I”m honored to have the support and counsel of Manasquan’s Democratic team, which has done such an outstanding job. They show how Democratic government works.”

Josh was born in New Jersey and raised in Monmouth County. He spent 12 years active duty defending America abroad and is now ready to protect New Jersey’s interests here at home. Josh is prepared for the challenge, having deployed to Afghanistan to rebuild their economy and having served as the CEO of a software company. He is ready to increase the number of 21st-century jobs, make healthcare accessible to all, and advocate for sensible foreign policy. Josh will be an innovative and bipartisan leader in Congress committed to solving real problems facing New Jersey citizens.


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