Mandelblatt Calls Out Rep. Lance on Weak Tax Plan Stance
Mandelblatt Calls Out Rep. Lance on Weak Tax Plan Stance
Lack of Leadership Will Cause Taxes to Rise for New Jersey Families
WESTFIELD, NJ - In an recent interview with NJTV, Congressman Leonard Lance refused to answer whether he would support the Trump proposal which eliminates taxpayers' ability to deduct state and local taxes on their income tax returns.
"It would be very difficult for me to do so but I'm fighting what I think is the good fight and I hope that we can preserve it," Lance told NJTV, adding that he was trying to lead the charge.
“Residents of the Seventh Congressional District deserve much more than hope,” Mandelblatt said in response to the interview. “They deserve a representative who will not just hope, but fight for their interests in Washington. If the most Congressman Lance can do is try to lead the charge, then the voters need to send him packing and elect someone who will actually lead the charge.”
The Trump plan could eliminate deductions for state taxes as well as property taxes. New Jersey residents pay among the highest state and local taxes in the nation, and eliminating the deduction could cost middle-class residents of the Seventh District thousands more in federal taxes.
NJTV reported that more than 50 percent of taxpayers in Lance's district take the deduction -- and other than one area on Long Island, that's more than any other district in the country.
“The Trump tax proposal will clearly hurt the vast majority of middle class taxpayers in the Seventh Congressional District and the best Congressman Lance can do is meekly offer half-hearted resistance,” Mandelblatt said. “But we all know from his record that Congressman Lance has voted in lock-step with the party bosses in Washington, even on issues that harmed his constituents.”
Watch Rep. Lance on Trump's tax cut proposal.
Since announcing her candidacy in May, Lisa Mandelblatt's campaign has focused on investing in quality jobs for New Jerseyans, addressing vital infrastructure needs, ensuring New Jersey maintains a top-notch education system for all students, and fighting for affordable healthcare.
Contact: Jason Robert Henry