Marks/Pappas: Assemblyman Jon Bramnick Has Absolutely Dismissed Conservative Voters

Assemblyman Jon Bramnick Has Absolutely Dismissed Conservative Voters
Instead Courts Liberals With Advocacy For More Gun control
Martin Marks and Harris Pappas, Conservative Independent candidates for District 21 General Assembly reacted today to a mailer put out to constituents by Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick (R-Westfield) touting his F Ratings from the NRA and his advocacy for anti-gun laws.
“Jon Bramnick has yet again dismissed his conservative constituents by pandering to the Liberals of our legislative district with this desperate political stunt. Time after time Bramnick proudly proclaims himself a “moderate” all the while thumbing his nose at the conservative voters he also represents. My running mate Harris Pappas understand that the 2nd Amendment rights found in our constitution are essential to protecting our families, our properties and our businesses and we will always respect that. Laws are being put forth that will lead to gun confiscation. We need conservative voices in Trenton that will stand up to that, not encourage it,” Marks stated.
Pappas added, “Jon Bramnick and his running mate Nancy Munoz keep lurching further and further to the Left in a desperate attempt to hold on to their Assembly seats. This issue of attacking 2nd Amendment rights is the final straw. NJ conservative voters are tired of seeing so-called leaders in the Republican Party allow liberal politicians to run roughshod over our principles and rights. Now those RINO (Republican In Name Only) leaders are actually joining the Liberals. Martin Marks and I offer a crystal clear alternative for those conservative voters who have been ignored and disenfranchised by Bramnick and Munoz. We encourage those voters to support us in this year’s Nov. 5 election for the General Assembly.”