Marks and Pappas vow to be partisan conservatives to combat Liberals in Trenton

Bramnick’s Professed Bipartisanship is a Liability for New Jersey

Marks and Pappas vow to be partisan conservatives to combat Liberals in Trenton

Martin Marks and Harris Pappas, Conservative Independent candidates for the NJ Assembly in Legislative District 21 were critical of Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick (R-Westfield) and his latest political mailing touting his “Bipartisan Leadership.”

Marks stated, “This is exactly why the Liberal agenda in Trenton has run roughshod over an inept and diminishing Republican presence at our State House. Jon Bramnick is more interested in presenting himself as a courteous, civil, and reasonable legislator working hand in hand with Democrats. Meanwhile, Liberals are getting exactly what they want with little or no opposition. It’s time for the 21st district Conservatives to elect representatives who will stand up and fight against things such as a 185% gas tax increase, efforts to make our state a sanctuary for illegal immigrants, and an assault on our 2nd amendment rights. And if that means at times being perceived as discourteous, uncivil and unreasonable with liberals, so be it.”

Pappas added, “There is no question in my mind that Jon Bramnick really has no interest in combatting the Liberal agenda in Trenton; an agenda that is ruining our state, and causing residents and businesses to flee. Instead he appears to be using his position as an Assemblyman as a potential stepping stone to run for Governor in 2021, and somehow he feels that presenting himself as a bipartisan moderate will help that effort. He’s trying to be all things to all people, and accordingly the Republican opposition effort in Trenton has suffered and is losing. Martin Marks and I will go to Trenton and be unabashed partisan conservatives ready to roll up our sleeves to do battle with Democrats in Trenton.”

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