Marla Decker Announces Her Candidacy for Hoboken 2nd Ward Council

Marla Decker Announces Her Candidacy for Hoboken 2nd Ward Council


Marla Decker today announced her candidacy for the 2nd Ward Hoboken City Council seat.  A long time 2nd Ward resident and community leader, Ms. Decker has served as President of the Hudson Tea Condo Association, Treasurer of the Hoboken Democratic Party, and an active participant in the Rebuild by Design community feedback process, and the successful fight to secure Union Dry Dock as public space.  She initiated and organized with the assistance of City Hall, the Rent for Refugees program, helping Ukrainian refugees with new housing, food and other necessities.


“I love this community and want to see it thrive,” said Marla Decker.  “As a City Councilperson, I will be a bridge builder and problem solver, forging solutions, not creating counterproductive divisions and engaging in political grandstanding.”


Among Ms. Decker’s priorities are neighborhood safety and maintenance issues, ensuring that community feedback shapes the design of the planned park at Union Dry Dock, securing upgrades on the waterfront at the former Monarch site, curbing flooding through the implementation of Rebuild by Design and other measures, and keeping Hoboken on a fiscally responsible path.


“I strongly support Marla Decker for 2nd Ward Council because she is the kind of pragmatic problem-solver we need on the City Council,” said Mayor of Hoboken Ravi Bhalla.   “Marla’s smarts, new energy and ability to find common ground will make her a tremendous asset on the Council, better enabling us to keep Hoboken moving in the right direction.”


Council President Emily Jabbour said, “Marla Decker’s talent for bringing people together, her pragmatic, common-sense approach to solving problems, and her dedication to bringing about quality of life improvements for residents of the 2nd Ward and throughout Hoboken are exactly what we need.  I enthusiastically endorse Marla Decker for 2nd Ward Council.”  The founder of the Hudson County Chapter of Moms Demand Action, Jabbour noted that Marla Decker is an effective and active volunteer in the organization’s advocacy of common sense gun safety measures.


Marla Decker is an attorney with years of litigation experience.  She is now an owner and Managing Director for a private equity style fund that invests in litigation.  Ms. Decker graduated from Cornell University and received her law degree from Cardozo School of Law.  She and her husband have two sons, ages 13 and 11, who attend Hoboken Middle School and Wallace Elementary School.   Marla is a supporter and volunteer of the Hoboken Public Education Foundation.


She pledges to conduct an active grassroots campaign reaching out to all voters in the 2nd Ward and looks forward to listening to their concerns and ideas.


A kick-off fundraiser is scheduled for June 14 at 7pm at City Bistro, 56 14th Street.

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