May 15: Lonegan Leads Pro-Life Event in Fair Lawn

May 15: Lonegan Leads Pro-Life Event in Fair Lawn


“Stand for Life with Steve” aims to promote pro-life agenda


Township of Washington, N.J. – 5th District Republican candidate, Mayor Steve Lonegan, will lead a pro-life gathering this Tuesday, May 15 in Fair Lawn.


Lonegan, who has been endorsed by the New Jersey Right to Life PAC and National Right to Life, will rally with pro-life groups and activists to promote the pro-life agenda of protecting and defending the lives of children in the womb, stopping taxpayer-funding of abortions, and offering alternatives to abortion.


The event will also draw attention to liberal Congressman Josh Gottheimer’s extremist position on the life issue, which includes supporting all abortions through the ninth month of pregnancy.


“Stand for Life with Steve” Pro-Life Event!

When: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 1PM

Where: Pro-Life Event in Fair Lawn

Knights of Columbus

16-16 Maple Ave, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410, USA

Who: Mayor Steve Lonegan, 5th District Congressional Candidate; Marie Tasy, Executive Director, New Jersey Right to Life PAC; Greg Quinlan, Founder and President, Center for Garden State Families; Pro-Life Advocates

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