Mayor Al Smith Announces 5-Point Plan for Downtown Redevelopment

Mayor Al Smith Announces 5-Point Plan for Downtown Redevelopment

Mayor Al Smith and the Scotch Plains Downtown Redevelopment Committee (SPDRC), working with Township Planners Harbor Consultants, presented their Tier 1, Phase 1 downtown redevelopment plan last week during their September 5, 2018 public special meeting.

Mayor Smith opened the presentation announcing his 5-point plan and goals that will be accomplished by passing the downtown redevelopment plan.

1). Economic Developmentencourage mixed-use development to stabilize property taxes, create new jobs, and growth opportunities.

2). Efficient Parking – consolidate inefficient public surface parking lots into shared parking partnerships.

3). Satisfy Social Need – address affordable housing obligations while embracing diversity and helping those in need.

4). Transportation Opportunities – develop transportation plans through jitney, ride-sharing programs, and bicycle options.

5). Public-Private Partnership – provide incentives and partner with existing property owners on redevelopment.

“This is a bold plan and a bold solution for downtown,” said Mayor Al Smith, Chairman of the SPDRC. “This plan will jump-start downtown redevelopment by redeveloping underutilized municipally-owned, public properties into new mixed-use commercial, residential, and recreation uses, that will stabilize property taxes, create new jobs, and growth opportunities to make Scotch Plains more affordable and prosperous,” added Mayor Smith.

Based on the concept sketches for public properties presented at the meeting, the potential impact of the municipally-owned public properties build-out plan includes:


Commercial (New Retail and Office Space)

48,048 Square Feet

Parking (Provided)

1,424 Spaces

Housing Units

177 Units

Affordable Housing Units

35 Units

Residents, Business, and Property Owners who want to review the PowerPoint presentations and video of the meeting please visit:


430 Park Avenue Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

Municipal Manager: Alexander Mirabella * 908-322-6700 Ext.315 *

Media Contact: Thomas Strowe * 908-322-6700 Ext.317 *

“The time is now to make this happen and get the plan to the Township Council for endorsement,” stressed Mayor Al Smith. “The SPDRC has worked diligently over the past year to draft this plan, and we need to move forward so we can start reviewing submissions from developers to make our plan and vision a reality.”

It is anticipated that the Redevelopment Plan will be presented for final endorsement at the September 25, 2018 Township Council meeting.

Questions about the plan can be directed to Thomas Strowe, Project Coordinator for Redevelopment, at (908) 322-6700 ext 317 or

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