



Restaurants can create “Streatery” outdoor shared spaces for consuming take-out food;

Businesses and organizations can open shared space “parklets” in parking spaces to create more public space and pedestrian areas

Newark – June 18, 2020– Mayor Ras J. Baraka announced today that he has signed an Executive Order that will expand the ability of retail businesses and restaurants to use sidewalks, parking lots, and other public spaces to sell goods and provide outdoor dining for take-away food and beverage consumption.

Executive Order No. 20-0007, which became effective on June 15, is part of the City’s comprehensive business recovery plan to reshape the use of streets and sidewalks in order to expand outdoor capacity for small businesses, while maintaining public health and safety during the COVID-19 crisis.

“Small businesses are the core and strength of Newark’s economy. As we reopen our city and begin to recover from the effects of COVID-19, it is imperative that we restore their ability to do business, while maintaining the safety of visitors and workers alike,” said Mayor Baraka. “This order will enable businesses to serve their customers safely, while regaining prosperity for themselves and the entire City of Newark.”

The Executive Order has three major features:

Streatery: new outdoor shared spaces: Food Establishments are permitted to temporarily convert curbside parking space into an area specifically intended for outdoor dining where take-away food and beverages may be consumed.

  • Daily outdoor, shared public space that temporarily converts curbside parking spaces for outdoor dining where take-away food and beverages can be consumed.
  • Dining space separated from adjacent parking and travel lane using moveable barriers such as barricades, planters, bollards, or similar structures.
  • Tables in streatery must be six feet apart measured from backs of opposite chairs to promote social distancing Also tables, chairs or other seating shall be easily removable. Tables of only two-to-four top with no table exceeding four persons.
  • Streateries shall not be located within 25 feet of a crosswalk, 10 feet of hydrants, or in handicap spaces or loading zones.
  • Permitted during regular business hours, except between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m.
  • The responsible party shall remove all furniture, street delineation, safety equipment and road covering at the end of each day.
  • Temporary ADA curb ramps must be provided.
  • The road surface shall be covered with an approved street covering.
  • No business may proceed without prior approval by the City’s Department of Finance Manager or the Office of Tax Abatement and Special Taxes.

Parklets: new outdoor shared spaces: All businesses or organizations are permitted to temporarily convert curbside parking space into a mini-park built as an extension of the sidewalk to create more public space and enhance the pedestrian realm.

  • Public seating platform that temporarily converts curbside parking into a mini-park as an extension of the sidewalk.
  • Semi-public parklet built in partnership between the city and a specific local business.
  • Enclosed from adjacent parking spaces and travel lane using built-in barriers such as planters, bench, wall, railings, bollards.
  • Six feet of separation to be maintained between tables in a parklet (or streatery) to promote social distancing.
  • Cannot be located within 25 feet of a crosswalk, 10 feet of hydrants, or in handicap spaces or loading zones.
  • Design and lighting standards need to be complied with.
  • No business may proceed without prior approval by the City’s Department of Finance Manager or the Office of Tax Abatement and Special Taxes.

Expanded retail use of sidewalks

  • Retail businesses and services can use the area in front of their stores to display merchandise during business hours.
  • Sidewalks that are more than 20 feet permit retail businesses to use up to 10 feet of the sidewalk to display merchandise.
  • Sidewalks less than 20 feet permit retail businesses may use the available space adjacent to their storefront if not less than 6 feet of safe unobstructed pedestrian egress is maintained.
  • Sidewalk display is permitted during regular business hours, except between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m.
  • No business may proceed without prior approval by the City’s Department of Finance Manager or the Office of Tax Abatement and Special Taxes.

Flexibility and waiving of fees

Executive Order No. 20-0007 order temporarily waives the application fees for the above business expansion programs. Furthermore, the prior Executive Order No. 20-0006 waives the fees for City’s existing Sidewalk Cafe program.

The executive order and Streatery application are attached. For more information on this and other municipal initiatives, visit the City’s website at

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