Mayor Davis Calls for Mayoral Debates

Mayor Davis Calls for Mayoral Debates
Three Debates to be Centered on Finance/Development, Infrastructure/Transportation and Quality of Life
BAYONNE, NJ -- Mayor Jimmy Davis is calling for three public mayoral debates between himself and his two opponents, with one centered on Finance and Development, one on Infrastructure and one on Quality of Life. The debates would be held in each of the city's wards at a time that is convenient for residents and would be moderated by local journalists including representatives from the Jersey Journal, Bayonne Community News and Hudson County View, under Mayor Davis' plan.
"Open government and public participation are essential to our city and that's why I have always believed in the value of debates," said Mayor Davis. "I'm proud of our team's record of finally getting development started at MOTBY, investing in our parks and recreation facilities, revitalizing Broadway and attracting smart development that's increasing property values and stabilizing property taxes, and I look forward to talking about these important issues with my opponents in this race."
The Davis Team is proposing the following debate rules, and the campaign is releasing the attached letter to the O'Donnell campaign.
7:30 Welcome, opening remarks, introduction of the moderator.
7:35 Moderator introduces the candidates and explains the format:
1. Each candidate will make a two minute opening statement; order was determined by drawing lots before the meeting.
2. Timekeeper will hold up sign when 30 seconds remain and stand when the time is up.
3. After all opening statements have been made, questions will be asked by the moderator on the agreed subject for the debate.
4. Candidates will be limited to answers not exceeding two minutes. The order of the candidate to answer will be rotated from question to question. Each candidate will have the opportunity to respond and the order of responses will be rotated for each question. Each candidate will be given 30 second to rebuttal.
5. 8:20 Closing statements; each candidate may have a two minute closing statement.
6. Applause should be held until the end of the forum, leaving more time for questions. Issues, not personalities, are to be addressed; no personal/abusive questions are to be asked. The moderator has the right to rule on all questions. each candidate will have the opportunity to respond and the order of responses will be rotated for each question.
7. Questions must be clear, concise and appropriate to the office being sought by the candidates.
8. Questions must be appropriate to all candidates seeking the same office.
9. Questions should reflect the issues of greatest interest to the entire community and cover a broad range of topics.
10. Questions should be phased so that they can not be answered by “yes” or “no.”
11. Questions should also be asked in a manner that will elicit the political philosophy of each candidate.
12.. Questions must not include or imply personal attacks on any candidate.
13. SAMPLE GRID FOR ANSWERING QUESTIONS Candidate #1 Candidate #2 Candidate #3
1 2 3
2 3 1
3 1 2
1 2 3
For any additional information please contact Philip Swibinski at 201-864-0600 or philip.swib
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Davis Debate Letter"]