Mayor Demands Answers, Information from State Officials and Trenton Water Works on Chlorine Levels, Legionnaire’s Cases

Mayor Demands Answers, Information from State Officials and Trenton Water Works on Chlorine Levels, Legionnaire’s Cases
Hamilton Mayor Kelly Yaede is demanding answers and more information from Governor Murphy, State officials and Trenton Water Works concerning reported low chlorine levels from Trenton Water Works and possible connections to cases of Legionnaire’s Disease.
Correspondence from a State official reveals that at least one of Trenton Water Works water towers has historically had low chlorine levels, which is further documented by Trenton Water Works apparent efforts to remediate the issue.
Mayor Yaede recently asked the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to review a possible link between the low chlorine levels and recent cases of Legionnaire’s Disease.
“From their own admission, it appears that State officials had evidence of low chlorine rates in Trenton Water Works’ water. I am demanding additional information and answers so that we can ensure that Hamiltonians are not put at additional risk due to the negligence of State officials or Trenton Water Works,” says Mayor Kelly Yaede.
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