Mayor Fulop and Superintendent Lyles Announces City and School District Working together to Close $8.5 Million State Funding Gap

Mayor Fulop and Superintendent Lyles Announces City and School District Working together to Close $8.5 Million State Funding Gap
Areas of Cost Sharing Including Police Costs, Recreational Programming for Afterschool and Custodial Services Being Explored
JERSEY CITY – Mayor Steven M. Fulop and the Superintendent of Jersey City Public Schools Dr. Marcia V. Lyles announced today that the city and the public school district are working together to close the $8.5 million state funding gap that was announced last week.
The two are committed to finding ways to ensure that the cuts have minimal impact on the classroom and that Jersey City public school students continue to receive the same high level of education prior to the cuts.
“We are working together to identify areas where we can cost share and ensure that this cut from Trenton does not impact our students,” said Mayor Fulop.  “Jersey City was slated to lose $100 million and credit is owed to our legislative delegation who clawed that back.  Now, we will do everything we can to close this gap to ensure the continued progress of our schools.”
Some of the areas that are being discussed for cost sharing include eliminating the $2 million cost for police personnel in the schools, expanding recreation department programs to cover activities and after school programming in schools, and assisting with various custodial costs, amongst other services.
“This demonstrates that even with these additional budgetary constraints, there is a shared commitment by all to provide the highest quality education for all of our students,” said Dr. Lyles.  “Our goal is to continue the progress we have made that has led us on this successful path to full local control of our schools.”
Last week, the state Department of Education voted to return full local control to the Jersey City Public Schools following nearly 30 years of state monitoring. Return of local control was a huge milestone for Jersey City and proof that the years of hard work by parents, teachers, educators and residents who demanded accountability has paid off.  Mayor Fulop and Superintendent Lyles have committed to working together to continue the forward progress being made within the schools through curriculum development, afterschool enrichment and additional support.
The Jersey City Public School District is one of the largest school districts in the State and one of the most diverse cities with approximately 28,000 students in 41 schools and programs and is committed to ensuring excellence and equity in all schools for all children.  The goal of the JCPS district is to prepare all children for college and career through responsive and innovative programs and have seen improved student performance and graduation rates across our system.  Our students reflect the rich racial and cultural tapestry of Jersey City with 38% of whom are Latino, 29% African American, 18% Asian/Pacific Islander and 13% White.  More than 12% of our students are English Language Learners and many more speak languages other than English at home. A total of 70% of our students receive free or reduced lunch.

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