Mayor Gilliam to Host Business Summit 

FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Contact: Christina Bevilacqua, Deputy Chief of Staff

Phone 609-347-5400



Mayor Gilliam to Host Business Summit 



A Business Summit is planned for all business owners and developers on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 beginning at 9 am in City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor of City Hall.


Mayor Frank Gilliam stated, “We want to do everything that we can to assist the business community of Atlantic City to grow and prosper.  Federal, State, County and City agencies, along with our local utilities, are all working together to support economic development in our City”.


Three new businesses in Atlantic City have already taken advantage of the GROW NJ Tax Incentives: South Jersey Gas, the Atlantic City Call Center and Enroute Computer Solutions.  Gilliam noted “this powerful program is set to end on June 2019, so we need to help new businesses take advantage of it now.”


Another New Jersey Economic Development Authority effort is the Business Lease and Business Improvement Incentive Program.   This program is targeted to Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Avenue from Massachusetts Avenue to Albany Avenue; the Downtown Loop area bounded by South Carolina Avenue, the Boardwalk, Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Atlantic Avenue; and Albany Avenue. The Business Lease Incentive provides for reimbursement of 15 percent of the annual lease for two years of a five-year lease.  The Business Improvement Incentive is a grant of up to 50 percent of the cost for first floor improvements not to exceed $20,000.


The NJEDA also provides a wide array of programs to assist small businesses from financing to technical assistance which will be discussed.



The City has also been awarded federal grant funds to assist developers to complete brownfields assessments of their properties.  The advantages of this program will be presented.


A goal of the Gilliam Administration is to make Atlantic City a model community for energy efficiency and alternative energy.  The City already hosts the only wind farm in New Jersey; has solar panels on the Public Works Complex, Wave Garage, County Court House and the Convention Center; has a fleet of alternative fuel vehicles and a CNG fueling station and will soon be the first City in New Jersey to convert all its street lights to efficient LED technology.  But much more can be done.


To continue this commitment, Mayor Gilliam has invited the two local utilities to present their programs designed to assist local businesses to be more energy efficient.


Atlantic City Electric will present its EDGE Program which offers new and growing businesses a 20 percent discount off the delivery distribution portion of their electric rate.  South Jersey Industries will discuss the Direct Install Program which funds up to 70 percent of energy efficiency upgrades for small businesses.


Mayor Gilliam stated, “it is great to have everyone working together to help local businesses”.


Each program will be presented and then the presenters will be available to speak one on one to assist those who attend the Summit.


For more information regarding any of these programs please, contact Ben Kaufman, Atlantic City Planning & Development Department at 609.347.5404.







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