Mayor Gusciora Promotes Pro-Labor Ordinance

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Mayor Gusciora Promotes Pro-Labor Ordinance

Gives City Ability to Hire Union Help When Needed

Trenton N.J. – Mayor Reed Gusciora held a press conference today, on the front steps of City Hall, to publicly support a new ordinance now before Trenton City Council. The Mayor was joined by members of the New Jersey State Assembly, Mercer County Freeholders, and union representatives from AFSCME, SEIU, and county trades associations.

“We have and always will support Trenton’s working families. Every worker in our city should have the opportunity to earn a living wage,” asserted Mayor Gusciora. “Labor unions have always fought for the little guy, and that’s what we’re trying to do here.”

The proposed ordinance, if passed through council, would allow the City of Trenton to establish a standing agreement with Mercer County Buildings and Construction Trades Council. This would allow the City to use their workforce if needed in case of an emergency.

“AFSCME still has priority,” confirmed Trenton’s executive, “and we’ve added language that gives preference to Trentonians to ensure that our local workers have their right to a paycheck.”

Mayor Gusciora also stressed the need to maintain diversity within the City’s labor force.

“This administration has a duty to make sure that our workforce is as diverse as our city itself. Our workers need opportunities to guarantee that their children, and their children’s children, have the chance to work towards a better future.”

The ordinance is now in City Council’s hands and is scheduled to be voted on in the coming weeks.

“If they’re pro-local labor, and pro-Trenton, then I think passing this should be an easy decision.”


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