Mayor Gusciora Unites With City Council to Clean Streets


Street-Sweeper Parade to Run Through Trenton

Trenton N.J. – Mayor Reed Gusciora will be teaming up with Councilman George Muschal, in a pledge to clean up the Capital City. The officials will be looking to make good on prominent campaign promises. They intend to begin with Trenton’s South Ward. While Councilman Muschal is spearheading the initiative, the mayor confirmed that all neighborhoods will experience extensive cleanups in the coming months.

Mr. Muschal affirmed that “we’re gonna clean up Trenton. I’ve been waiting 9 years for an opportunity like this.” Muschal maintained, in his Thursday meeting with the new mayor, that the South Ward especially is subjected to illegal dumping.

Both agreed that the Capital City needs to enforce penalties for those “who are using our home as their trash-can,” the Councilman continued. “We need teeth in this fight. Right now people are ditching their waste without reproach.”

Councilman Muschal proposed vehicle seizure for those caught dumping illegally.  He further added that a coupon program would encourage constituents to join the fight. “Discounts for Debris” he dubbed his idea.

Mayor Gusciora was keen on the idea. He approved Thursday the councilman’s plan to bring in five street sweepers to begin the initiative. The mayor suggested moving from the South Ward all the way up to the famous Battle Monument in the North. Councilwoman Marge Caldwell-Wilson was happy to oblige. The monument sits on the border between their electorates.

The mayor was energized with the city council’s initiative. “This is something every Trentonian should be excited about. Our city deserves better than the status quo. I ran my campaign on the promise that I’d clean these streets. I’m ecstatic that our council is ready to work with me in this fight.”

Both Councilman Muschal and Mayor Gusciora were adamant that they wanted the opportunity to pilot one of the street sweepers. They are both in need of the appropriate training.

The cleanup is tentatively scheduled for July 21st.

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