Mayor of Riverside Switches Parties - Will Run for Reelection as a Republican

Mayor of Riverside Switches Parties - Will Run for Reelection as a Republican 


Riverside, NJ - Democrats lost control of Riverside Township Committee this week when Mayor Mike Higgins (aka John M. Higgins) changed his party affiliation to Republican. Higgins joins fellow GOP Committee members Matt Kirk and Joe Peditto. He will run for reelection this year on the Republican slate alongside newcomer Christy Veasy. 


"I no longer recognize the Democratic party that I signed up for," said Higgins. "I'm trying to make my community a better place and have been disappointed at the resistance I have faced and the pressure I've felt to tow their party line. The Democratic leaders deserted me, and I'm thankful for the Burlington County Republican Party for accepting me, and accepting my need to be able to vote for what I feel is right."


Burlington County Republican Committee Chairman Sean Earlen welcomed Higgins to the Republican party. "Mike Higgins is a dedicated public servant and I whole-heartedly welcome him to the Republican party. We're proud to have a big tent party that welcomes all, including - and especially - former Democrats who are looking for a more welcoming home."


Earlier this month, Burlington County Republicans endorsed former Democratic mayor of Burlington City Jim Fazzone as the Republican candidate for State Senate in Legislative District 7. 


"As an independent thinker, I'm motivated by making the right decisions for my community, not what's best for party bosses," said Fazzone. "Instead of being ostracized by the Democrats, I chose to be part of the solution and came over to the Republican party and I couldn't be happier about my decision. This team dedicates its efforts to keeping government small and opportunities limitless, and I'm proud to partner with Chairman Earlen and the entire Burlington County Republican Committee."


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