Mayor Ras J. Baraka Statement on Attorney General Sessions’ move against Sanctuary Cities

Mayor Ras J. Baraka Statement

on Attorney General Sessions’ move against Sanctuary Cities

“It is unfortunate but not surprising that the Trump Administration has used the stunning defeat of their attempt to repeal Obamacare as the opportunity to pivot back, once again, to an unmerited attack on immigrant communities. It is my belief that the statement by Attorney General Sessions that the federal government will withhold and clawback funds to fight crime in sanctuary cities is both illegal and unconstitutional, and the City of Newark will join with other sanctuary cities to take legal action against this misguided policy.

“It is highly ironic that the Attorney General claims that withholding law enforcement funds will make sanctuary cities safer when the opposite is true. Taking away desperately needed aid for hiring more police officers, providing up-to-date technology to reduce crime, and encouraging initiatives to build trust and transparency between police and the citizens they are sworn to protect is sure to make cities more dangerous.

“As I have said before, in Newark, we insist that detainer requests be handled constitutionally. I am saddened that our president and his attorney general seem to be violating this principle, the very foundation of our nation, by taking punitive action against cities that are simply protecting the well-being of residents.”

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