Mayor Robert Conley Endorses Dawkins for Senate


Mayor Robert Conley Endorses Dawkins for Senate


MORRIS COUNTY, NJ -- Mayor Robert Conley of Madison has endorsed Cliff Dawkins for State Senate. Conley was re-elected Mayor of Madison in November of 2019 to his third-term. Prior to being elected mayor in 2011, Conley served two three-year terms on the Madison Borough Council. Apart from his time as an elected official, Mayor Conley has also served as President of the Madison Rotary Club, the Madison Rotary Foundation, the Adult School Board of Trustees, and the Grace Counseling Center Board of Trustees. He is also past president of Chapter 17 - Association of YMCA Professionals.


“It really says something about how far the Democratic party has come in this area that we now have a contested primary in the 25th District. That being said, I have given this matter some considerable thought, and given the context of this election, I think that Cliff would be the best candidate for the party to endorse for the nomination,” said Conley.


While Mayor Conley acknowledges that there are two other people competing for the nomination, (including a former mayor he had the pleasure of collaborating with), he said he still feels that “Cliff’s combination of experience with state level law and policy, coupled with his diverse level of service on several professional and nonprofit boards, makes him the most suited for the Legislature. He has also built a very strong team that is ready to run a general election campaign.”


“I am incredibly honored to have Mayor Conley’s support heading into the the March15th County Convention. I have immense respect for the work he’s done as Mayor, as well as his own track record of service to the community,” Dawkins stated.


Cliff Dawkins is a Democratic Candidate for State Senate in the LD25 Special Election. Dawkins is an attorney specializing in Labor and Employment law. He also serves on several professional organization and nonprofit boards, including the Urban League of Morris County, the Garden State Bar Association-Young Lawyers Division, the National Bar Association-Young Lawyers Division, and the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on Civil Practice.


Cliff Dawkins resides in Rockaway Borough with his wife and their two children.



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