Mayor Steven M. Fulop reports $566,452 raised into elections accounts for 29-day reporting period
JERSEY CITY -- Mayor Steven M. Fulop has release his 29-day pre-election report for two campaign accounts that will support his ticket on the November 7th election. During the period between June 24th and October 6th, the campaign has raised $498,853 into the Team Fulop account, and $67,599 into the Election Fund of Steven Fulop, for a total of $566,452 across all accounts.
“We are proud of our fundraising success so far and it is indicative of the job we are doing in moving Jersey City forward. We have run a positive issue oriented campaign and our goal is to continue that path until Election Day.”
Fulop’s combined fundraising totals for this period are more than eight times higher than opponent Bill Matsikoudis, who reported raising $70,230 during this period into both election accounts.