Mayor Tony Vauss Delivers State of the Township Address

Mayor Tony Vauss Delivers State of the Township Address
IRVINGTON- On Thursday, February 24, 2022, Irvington Mayor Tony Vauss held his eighth State of the Township Address at Transcend Worship Center located at 971 Clinton Avenue in Irvington, New Jersey to a crowd filled with Irvington residents, members of Vauss’ administration, local elected officials and community leaders.
At the address, Mayor Vauss presented videos that showcased some of the achievements made by his administration over the past 4 years. Also true to his usual style, Mayor Vauss had two lively gospel performances by Dale Ciceron and Jekalyn Carr and the Irvington High School band and dancers.
The highlight of the evening was the Mayor and the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. April Vauss’ presentation of awards given to each and every player, coach, manager and athletic director of the Irvington High School football team, who were 2021 state champions. Mayor Vauss also held a parade through the Township for the team and coaches earlier this year.
The biggest surprise of the evening was remarks and the presentation of an award by Reverend Al Sharpton to Mayor Vauss. The award was presented on behalf of the National Action Network for Mayor Vauss’ excellence as an elected official. “Mayor Tony is rare. If we could use the model that is in Irvington and bring it around the country where people of different races and colors and religions can learn to be together and be a community,” said Sharpton. Sharpton further proclaimed, “I respect this Mayor, and I respect what he is doing in this town.” “What you are doing in Irvington is rare. . . This is a city on the rise, and you can’t rise unless you have a leader that is about rising. The reason I like Vauss is because he’s got that get up spirit.”
The evening also included the promotion of Irvington police officers, an appearance by the Irvington High School JROTC and a book signing by Sharpton.