Mayor Yaede Calls on Council to Make Final Decision on Senior Citizen Advisory Commission

Kelly Yaede, incumbent Republican Mayor of Hamilton NJ defeated challenger Dave Henderson in the 2019 Primary Election.

Following the Township Council’s announcement, early this summer, regarding their plans to override Mayor Yaede’s veto of what would be a second, senior advisory commission for Hamilton Township, Hamilton’s Mayor is calling for the Council to make a final decision on the issue.

On July 2, 2019, four of the five members of the Township Council issued a joint press release to announce their plans to override the veto, which included overly-harsh language and innuendo of the Mayor’s decision.  A copy of the text of this release can be viewed via the following link:

Although the Council President stated that the Council would hold an immediate vote at its next meeting, on July 16, 2019, the Township Council tabled the measure after seniors in attendance rose to voice their opposition to the Council’s plans.  Similarly, the Township Council did not take action at the August 20, 2019 Council Meeting.  And during the most recent Senior Advisory Commission Meeting, members asked for a status update on Council’s intentions on this issue.

This week, Mayor Yaede wrote to the Council President and requested that the Township Council make a final decision on this issue.  A copy of the letter is below.


September 9, 2019

Jeff Martin, Council President
c/o Municipal Clerk
2090 Greenwood Avenue
Hamilton, NJ 08609

Dear Council President Martin:

On July 2, 2019, you issued a press release along with three of your Council colleagues announcing your intention to override my veto of a duplicative Senior Advisory Commission, which I have publically explained is unnecessary and inefficient due to our existing Senior Advisory Commission.

In your press release, you personally called my veto “appalling”, “short-sighted”, “mean” and “vindictive.”

Yet, at the July 16, 2019 Township Council Meeting, after the overwhelming opposition from our senior community, you did not override the veto, despite your announcement and your overly exaggerated language.

In addition, Councilman Tighe had the audacity to say “Shame on Kelly Yeade”, while Councilwoman Schirmer actually said “Maybe if we put [my] name as part of the Commission [I] would have approved it.”

Subsequently, at the August 20, 2019 Township Council Meeting, despite having another opportunity to override veto, once again, no action was taken on this issue.

Instead of stalling, I am calling upon you and your Council colleagues to make a decision one way or the other.  Despite my disagreement with your decision to seek an override, I am calling upon you to either override my veto or publicly announce that you are reversing your original decision.  Do notcontinue to play politics with our senior community.


Kelly Yaede

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