Mayor Yaede Secures Trenton Water Works  Public Meeting in Hamilton on Pipe Replacement Program

Mayor Yaede Secures Trenton Water Works
Public Meeting in Hamilton on Pipe Replacement Program

After fighting for a public meeting to take place in Hamilton for the benefit of township residents, Mayor Kelly Yaede has announced that City of Trenton Officials have agreed to hold an information session in Hamilton regarding Trenton Water Works’ pipe replacement program.

Late last week, Mayor Yaede and her staff confirmed with Mayor Jackson’s administration that a public meeting will occur in Hamilton.  Township officials are working with City staff to finalize a date for the public session, which is planned to be held at the Hamilton Township Public Library and will subsequently be publicly announced.  Mayor Jackson’s staff also stated that they would be working with incoming Mayor Gusciora to ensure that the public meeting takes place during the transition of the new administration.

“I am very happy that City officials have agreed with my request for a public information session in Hamilton, which will benefit concerned residents in our community,” says Mayor Yaede.  “I appreciate Mayor Jackson’s cooperation in this effort; and I also look forward to developing a positive working relationship with Mayor-Elect Gusciora as he enters office.”

This spring, Trenton Water Works sent letters to specific customers (not every customer should have received the letter) regarding a program that offered residents the ability to pay for the replacement of their lead service lines (water lines that are the individual property of homeowners and that connect to main water lines which, by contrast, the utility maintains).  However, many residents had questions regarding the program, which originally had a late May deadline to respond.

Mayor Yaede had originally called for a public meeting in Hamilton to answer residents’ questions, as well as an extension for the response deadline so the public could benefit from more information before having to make a decision.  Hamilton Township is home to over 22,000 Trenton Water Works customers.

But despite initial signs of progress, Mayor Yaede became critical of City Officials after being informed that the “decision” to hold a public meeting in Hamilton would be left to the next administration (which had yet to be determined at that time).

But thanks to the reconsideration of City officials, Mayor Yaede is pleased that Hamiltonians will be able to benefit from a convenient public meeting in town.

Additionally, this Wednesday, City officials will hold the first public information forum on the pipe replacement program in Trenton at City Hall (319 E. State St.) from 6 PM to 8 PM.  According to the City’s website, a forum will provide an opportunity to discuss the distribution plant, lead service lines and details of Trenton Water Work’s Administrative Consent Order with the NJ Department of Environmental Protection.


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