Mayor Yaede Taking Further Actions Regarding Trenton Water Works

Mayor Yaede Taking Further Actions Regarding Trenton Water Works

Following this morning’s boil water advisory from Trenton Water Works and calling for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to take additional response actions, Mayor Kelly Yaede is calling for two additional actions that she hopes will resolve issues regarding Trenton Water Works once and for all.

Legal Action

Mayor Yaede has asked Hamilton Township’s Municipal Attorney to begin the process of providing her with possible legal actions that the Municipal Government can consider to take against Trenton Water Works and/or the State of New Jersey, which regulates Trenton Water Works and drinking water quality.

While legal action is always a final resort, Hamilton Township was forced to take legal action against Robbinsville Township this year in order to recoup the $2.8 million that the neighboring town owes Hamilton taxpayers for sewer service.

State Reimbursement Fund        

Mayor Yaede will be requesting a State Government reimbursement fund, where residents and businesses can recoup damages that result from public utilities that are regulated by the State Government.  In terms of Trenton Water Works, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection regulates drinking water quality.

“The State Government needs to take decisive action on this issue, once and for all,” says Mayor Kelly Yaede, who as far back as 2013, called for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to take over Trenton Water Works.

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