Mayor Yaede’s Administration’s Efforts on Trenton Water Works Secure a Public Information Session on Pipe Replacement Program

Mayor Yaede’s Administration’s Efforts on Trenton Water Works Secure a Public Information Session on Pipe Replacement Program

Mayor Kelly Yaede’s recent requests to the City of Trenton and NJ Department of Environmental Protection are producing results.

When a follow-up meeting that local and state officials agreed would occur within a 45-day window was never scheduled, in late April Mayor Yaede wrote to Trenton Mayor Eric Jackson and NJ Department of Environmental Protection Acting Commissioner Catherine McCabe to request that the promised meeting occur.  That meeting was held yesterday (May 9th) in Trenton.

At the meeting, Yaede focused attention of three key areas, to help protect the interests of Hamilton residents.

1)      Public Information Session for recent Trenton Water Pipe Replacement Program

Agreeing with Mayor Yaede’s request, Mayor Jackson and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection agreed to hold a public information session.  Details for the public forum will be forthcoming.  Mayor Yaede believes it is an important avenue for concerned residents to get information and answers.

Even before her success in obtaining this public meeting, Mayor Yaede initiated the creation of an informational guide for residents who received the recent Trenton Water Works letter (note, not all Hamilton residents received this mailing):

2)      Officials are Considering Pipe Replacement Program Deadline Extension

Mayor Yaede believes it is important, and in the public’s best interest, to have additional information before any resident must make a decision on whether or not to participate in the recent Trenton Water Works program offering, especially since there would be a cost to those who participate.  That is why she requested that the program deadline (May 25th) be extended until at least a month after a public information session is scheduled.   Although City and State leaders did not make an immediate decision on her request, Yaede was pleased that officials agreed to consider the deadline extension she is seeking.

3)      Greater Trenton Water Works Coordination with Hamilton Officials and Road Projects

Under Mayor Yaede’s leadership, Hamilton Township has continued an aggressive road repair program over the years.  Township officials routinely provide all utilities with advance notice regarding the roads planned for repair in future years.  This proactive step is to avoid unnecessary utility projects after roads have been resurfaced (Hamilton has a 5-year moratorium on any non-emergency projects that would impact a road after a repaving project to protect the integrity of the road and taxpayer dollars).  Therefore, when the recent Trenton Water Works pipe replacement letters were sent to some residents, Hamilton officials were very concerned about the impact to several road repair projects scheduled to begin in the coming weeks.

At yesterday’s meeting, Mayor Yaede demanded better communication and coordination from Trenton Water Works regarding future projects impacting the Township’s ongoing road repairs.

“Not only do Hamiltonians, and frankly all Trenton Water customers, deserve safe drinking water; they deserve better communication, timely information, public forums to answer their questions and confidence that Trenton Water Works will better coordinate projects to protect the integrity of our community’s ongoing road repairs,” says Mayor Yaede.  “I will continue to watch closely and follow-up on all of these important issues; and if necessary, be prepared to take further actions.  However, I am pleased at the level of progress that was achieved during the meeting and sincerely hope that it continues.”


[pdf-embedder url="" title="Trenton Water Works Letter April 2018"]

[pdf-embedder url="" title="Trenton Water Works NJDEP Commissioner April 2018"]

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