Mayoral Candidate Valerie Freeman Endorses Bill McKoy for Mayor


Mayoral Candidate Valerie Freeman Endorses Bill McKoy for Mayor 

Mayoral Candidate Valerie Freeman Postpones Mayoral Campaign and Endorses Bill McKoy for Mayor 


Paterson – January 27, 2018: Mayoral Candidate and Community Activist postpones her campaign for Mayor and endorses Councilman Bill McKoy for Mayor of the City of Paterson. 


In a speech today at Team McKoy’s Campaign Headquarters Grand Opening, Mayoral Candidate Valerie Freeman stated, “It is with a heavy heart that I have decided not to run for Mayor of this great city. When you look at the remaining Mayoral Candidates in the race there is only one candidate who has the integrity to run our city efficient and honestly. That is why I am putting my full support behind Bill McKoy for Mayor. We need someone in the Mayor’s office that is firm, fair and strong. I sat with Councilman McKoy and every question I asked him he not only had an answer but an articulate and fair answer. We don’t need someone in the Mayor’s office that will be told what to do and how to do it but someone who is willing to listen to everyone in our community and that is why I am supporting Bill McKoy for Mayor.” 


In response to Valerie Freeman’s endorsement Mayoral Candidate Bill McKoy stated: “It is a great honor to receive the support of such a strong community leader as Valerie Freeman. Valerie has a long track record of fighting for everyone in our city.” McKoy continued, “I look forward to working with Valerie to Move Paterson Forward. As mayor I will make sure that everyone has a seat at the table and that all are heard.” 

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