Mazzeo Measure Urging Trump Administration to Oppose Bans on Online Betting Signed by Governor

Mazzeo Measure Urging Trump Administration to Oppose Bans on Online Betting Signed by Governor


(TRENTON) – A resolution sponsored by Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo urging the Trump administration and the U.S. Congress to oppose any measures and actions that would prohibit states from conducting Internet gaming recently was signed by the governor.

“Internet gaming has generated employment opportunities for state residents and tax revenue for the state and has contributed to the revival of Atlantic City as a gaming hub,” said Mazzeo (D-Atlantic). “Atlantic City cannot afford to take such a hit as it works to rebrand and rebuild itself as a prime destination.”

According to the measure (AJR-137), recent measures in Congress, if pursued by the new Congress and supported by the president and his administration, would prohibit the transmission of any bet or wager by wire communication, including Internet gaming. In his confirmation hearing as nominee for United States Attorney General, then-Senator Jeff Sessions indicated his desire to revisit the federal Justice Department ruling that currently allows the states to authorize Internet gaming.

The resolution contends these measures and actions would invalidate New Jersey’s implementation of Internet gaming, which was authorized in 2013, and has benefitted the state’s economy. As such, it calls on President Trump and Congress to oppose any measures that threaten the states’ ability to conduct Internet gaming and benefit from it economically.

In 2016, Internet gaming in New Jersey generated about $198 million in casino winnings, resulting in approximately $29.5 million in gaming tax revenues for the state.

“A federal prohibition against Internet gaming would directly and negatively impact New Jersey by dismantling the investments that the state and the casinos have already made, not to mention denying the state millions in revenue and residents of employment opportunities,” added Mazzeo. “I urge President Trump and Congress to consider the ramifications that such a ban would have on the states and preserve the right of states to allow and benefit from Internet gaming.”

The measure received approval from both houses of the legislature in June and was signed by the governor on Friday.

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