Mazzeo on Securing NJ’s Election System in the Age of Cyber Threats

Mazzeo on Securing NJ’s Election System in the Age of Cyber Threats



(TRENTON) – Following an election security briefing for the Assembly State and Local Government and Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committees, Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo (D-Atlantic), chair of the State and Local Government Committee, released the following statement:


“New Jersey is incredibly proactive when it comes to protecting our election system from threats, particularly in terms of cybersecurity. However, after the foreign attacks on our national election system in 2016, it is imperative that we boost our efforts to safeguard our voting process.

            “From training the poll workers who are on the front lines on Election Day to educating the public on cyberattacks, we in New Jersey are ready to do all we can to protect the integrity of our democracy. The State and Local Government Committee, under my leadership, will continue to work to ensure the security of our election process.”

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