Mazzeo Statement on Budget Agreement
Mazzeo Statement on Budget Agreement
(Trenton, NJ) – Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo (D-Atlantic) released the following statement following tonight's budget agreement to re-open state government:
“I am very pleased that the state will be reopening in time for tomorrow’s holiday. Tonight’s agreement shows the good that comes from leaders who are willing to come to the table and negotiate in good faith. That’s all myself and my colleagues have been asking for.
“Keeping in tact our budget priorities has always been my number one goal. Tonight's agreement does that – including an additional $8.5 million in school aid for District 2, $4 million worth of new state funded jobs for Stockton University’s new Gateway Campus in Atlantic City, $5 million for Education Opportunity Funds for low-income college students, $5 million for the Legal Services of New Jersey who are providing lawyers to the state’s most vulnerable, $2.2 million for Domestic Violence and Rape Prevention and so much more.
“Without the agreement announced tonight, Governor Christie would have slashed it all – cutting essential funding when Atlantic County families need it the most. That’s why I have stood up to support this budget. The long term benefits of keeping this budget in tact far outweigh the short term struggle over the last few days.”