MBK Newark Launches New Video Series to Strengthen Literacy by Featuring Newark Authors Who are Men of Color

MBK Newark Launches New Video Series to Strengthen Literacy by Featuring Newark Authors Who are Men of Color


The first video features Newark resident, Founder and Executive Director of Leaders of the 21st Century, and author Dan De Nose, which is part of their overall campaign to encourage reading in the community



My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Newark, an initiative of Newark Opportunity Youth Network (NOYN), announced that the organization is launching a new video series aimed at strengthening literacy in the community by featuring Newark authors who are men of color. NOYN continues to build upon the MBK Milestone framework of The Obama Foundation’s My Brother’s Keeper Alliance. Pictured above is the subject of the first video, Dan De Nose, MPA, author, Founder and Executive Director of Leaders of the 21st Century and CEO and Owner of De Nose LLC.


Newark, New Jersey – My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Newark, an initiative of Newark Opportunity Youth Network (NOYN), announced that the organization is launching a video series aimed at strengthening literacy across the community, featuring Newark authors who are men of color. NOYN continues to build upon the MBK Milestone framework of the Obama Foundation’s My Brother’s Keeper Alliance.


“MBK Newark is paying tribute to the men of color from Newark who are living proof that our young people can grow up to be whoever they want to be,” said Robert Clark, Founder & CEO, Newark Opportunity Youth Network.


The first video in the series highlights Newark resident, Founder of Leaders of the 21st Century, and author Dan M. De Nose, MPA. Dan recently published a book, The Power of Exposure: Lessons of Success from Highly Effective Mentors, which explores the transformative power of mentorship and fostering personal and professional growth.


“The work of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance isn’t about highlighting what men of color can’t do, but instead what they are doing in the community around them. By amplifying Newark men like Dan De Nose who have gone on to become successful mentors, authors, scholars and leaders, we hope to inspire boys and young men of color in our community to dream about all that is possible in life,” said Mark Comesañas, Executive Director, MBK Newark.


Videos will be posted over the coming months on MBK Newark’s social media pages, including Facebook, X and Instagram.


“I had phenomenal mentors, and I knew that I had to come back home. I saw that we needed something preparing our young people – high school students – for jobs, careers, trades, but also for college,” said Dan M. De Nose, MPA, author, Founder and Executive Director of Leaders of the 21st Century, and Owner and CEO of De Nose LLC who was featured in the first in a series of videos of Newark authors who are men of color. Dan grew up in the West Ward of Newark, New Jersey off of 18th Avenue. “There’s something special that has happened in my life that I just can’t keep for myself. To me, an effective and great leader is understanding that it’s not about you, it’s about the people that you serve.”


The video series featuring Newark authors who are men of color is part of a larger literacy campaign MBK Newark launched earlier this year, which includes the following initiatives:

·     #NewarkReading Challenge: This summer, MBK Newark launched a positive social media campaign, #NewarkReading, promoting literacy by encouraging Newark families to share what they’re reading. In August, MBK Newark issued a #NewarkReading challenge aimed at strengthening literacy for boys and young men of color in the community. The campaign will continue through September 30, 2024 when it will announce the winner of a social media challenge where participants will share a video or picture reading a book from the summer reading list. The winner of the contest will receive a $100 gift card. To participate in the #NewarkReading challenge, click here.

·     MBK Summer Reading List for Boys and Young Men of Color: MBK Newark marked the start of the campaign in June by releasing the MBK Summer Reading List for Boys and Young Men of Color in an effort to encourage reading. To keep learning consistent throughout the summer, MBK Newark partnered with early childhood education experts to develop their first summer reading list for Newark’s youngest learners and boys and young men of color from the ages of 0-24 years old. To view MBK’s Summer Reading List for Boys and Young Men of Color, click here.

·     Distributing Books: MBK Newark is also working with the City of Newark to advance their 10-point literacy plan that was announced last summer, as well as Programs for Parents, Inc., which works with a network of parents to reach young people and encourage learning. Books from the summer reading list will be distributed by Programs for Parents, Inc. MBK Newark will also be participating in events throughout the city to help distribute books from the list.


MBK Newark’s efforts to promote literacy this summer are part of their attempt to advance the six MBK Milestones. Research has shown that the MBK Milestones are predictive of later success and are moments within a young person’s life where interventions can have the greatest impact. MBK Milestone One is Entering School Ready to Learn: All children should have a healthy start and enter school ready – cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally. MBK Milestone Two is Reading at Grade Level by Third Grade: All children should be reading at grade level by age 8 – the age at which reading to learn becomes essential.


To view Dan’s video, click here.



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