McCann: Lonegan attacks Trump supporters again—calling us OUTCASTS!

Lonegan attacks Trump supporters again—calling us OUTCASTS!

BIG LIE #3: Lonegan claims to support the President yet attacks his coalition.

FACT: Lonegan is New Jersey’s biggest Never Trumper.

Lonegan’s campaign manager, Mike Proto, said in a statement:

“While Steve Lonegan gets endorsements from major political figures like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Steve Forbes and every legislator that matters in the 5th district, John McCann gets endorsements from Trump Administration castoffs [emphasis added]. What’s next, an endorsement from Omarosa?”

John McCann responded:

“Just as Hillary Clinton alienated millions of voters by calling us deplorables, Lonegan is dissing President Trump’s coalition of grassroots supporters as castoffs. I am proud of the endorsements my campaign has received from current members of Trump’s re-election team including Trump 2020 Advisory Board members Governor Jan Brewer and Lt. Steve Rogers, to countless citizens that make up Veterans for Trump and Students for Trump—who volunteer their time to campaign for the President. In addition I also have the support of the President’s Urban Revitalization Coalition CEO Dr. Darrell Scott and former Strategist to President Donald J. Trump, Dr. Sebastian Gorka. While Lonegan boasts of Establishment endorsements, I am honored to be the only consistent anti-Establishment, pro-Trump conservative in the race—garnering endorsements from a diverse coalition unified in purpose to Make America Great Again and once achieved, to Keep America Great. Lonegan owes all of us proud Americans and Trump supporters an apology for this blatant disrespect.

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