MCFOODS sponsoring holiday food drive to spread cheer and restock food banks throughout Middlesex County

MCFOODS sponsoring holiday food drive to spread cheer and restock food banks throughout Middlesex County


Donate safely and enjoy a festive stroll or celebrate virtually


WHAT:            As food insecurity continues to hit New Jersey hard due to the COVID-19 pandemic, supplies are running low at food banks across the state. Middlesex County is offering residents an opportunity to spread – and receive – some holiday cheer by helping to replenish supplies at County food banks. East Jersey Old Town Village is hosting a holiday-themed food drive benefitting The Middlesex County Food Organization and Outreach Distribution Services (MCFOODS) on Saturday, December 5 and Sunday, December 6, from 10 am to 4 pm each day.

As a token of appreciation, visitors will receive a festive surprise gift in exchange for canned goods, dry goods, and monetary donations to help restock food banks throughout the County. All donations can be made via contactless drive-thru.

The public is also invited to celebrate virtually by visiting the Middlesex County website, where they can view the “Mid-Century New Jersey: The Garden State in the 1950s” exhibition; explore recipes, crafts, and music.


WHERE:           East Jersey Old Town Village

1050 River Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854

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