McKeon on EPA Rolling Back Fuel Emission Standards

McKeon on EPA Rolling Back Fuel Emission Standards


(TRENTON) – Assemblyman John McKeon (D-Essex) issued the following statement Wednesday:
“Yesterday’s announcement by EPA Administrator Pruitt to begin the process of rolling back President Obama’s federal vehicle fuel emission standards was disheartening. I will not sit back ideally while Trump’s administration dismantles regulations that protect the environment, keeps us healthy, and spurs innovation and technology.
“Governor Murphy’s reaffirmed our state’s support for the current standards and announced his intent to join eight other states by signing the State Zero-Emission Vehicles Programs Memorandum of Understanding. The MOU will allow our state to work collaboratively to support the deployment of zero-emission vehicles. Together, we will stop the continued attacks on the environment that are not supported by reason or fact.
“Mr. Pruitt should be fired. Not for his horrendous policy decisions but for his lack of integrity. His recent improprieties have called into question every decision the EPA has made during his tenure. Countless ethics experts, from both political parties, have condemned his actions. It’s time that Mr. Pruitt goes the way of dozens of other senior Trump officials.”

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