McKeon Statement on Need for New Trans-Hudson Commuter Rail Tunnel

McKeon Statement on Need for New Trans-Hudson Commuter Rail Tunnel

Notes Tunnel Canceled by Christie Would Nearly be Finished


(TRENTON) – Assembly Judiciary Chairman John McKeon (D-Essex/Morris) released the following statement Monday as the Assembly Judiciary panel and the Senate Legislative Oversight Committee heard from the Gateway Program Development Corporation and other witnesses on the need for a new trans-Hudson River commuter rail tunnel:

“Gov. Chris Christie’s legacy will be tarnished by many poor decisions and failed policies, but the most devastating decision may be canceling the plan for the new trans-Hudson commuter rail tunnel.

“That decision has put this region’s economy and public safety at risk, and it’s a risk that increases daily considering the region doesn’t have any immediate alternative. It’s frustrating to consider that we would just be months away from seeing that new tunnel open, had Gov. Christie simply let the work finish.

“This is a key moment in our state’s history. The need for a new commuter rail tunnel into New York City is no secret, but today’s testimony has doubly emphasized the need and stressed the potential for disaster should the current aging tunnel fail. The damage that would be done to our economy is almost impossible to measure.

“We must all come together at this crucial moment and make sure President Trump and Congress understand how vital a new commuter rail tunnel is to this region. This isn’t a time for politics, grandstanding and false promises. Every minute that goes by without a viable plan means the project gets costlier and costlier. This is a time for results, and no one should rest easy until funding for this new project is secured.”

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