MCRO Chairwoman Panos Celebrates Re-election, Promises Party Unity to Defeat Menendez

MCRO Chairwoman Panos Celebrates Re-election, Promises Party Unity to Defeat Menendez
Fords, NJ- Middlesex County Republican Organization (MCRO) Chairwoman Lucille Panos of Old Bridge, was re-elected to a 2nd two-year term as that organizations chairwoman. Also re-elected were Edison chairwoman Sylvia Engel, as vice-chair, and South Brunswick chairwoman Antonia Kulberda, as secretary. Rounding out the victors was Harold Kane of Monroe, who was elected treasurer and will be replacing outgoing treasurer Rod Kulp.
The “Panos Team” defeated the slate lead by Perth Amboy chairwoman Sharon Hubberman by a 194-112 vote of county committee members. The lopsided result stemmed from the chairwoman’s support by 22 of the counties municipal chairs who brought out their committee people to support her candidacy and serves as a testament to her widespread support throughout the county.
Jesal Amin of East Brunswick, one of the many chairs supporting Panos and her team, stated:
“The East Brunswick committee supported Lucille because of her tireless dedication the Republican Party in Middlesex County and in East Brunswick. It speaks volumes about her leadership qualities as county chair that so many of my fellow chairs joined me in supporting her. I look forward to working with her to ensure that Republicans win in Middlesex County and East Brunswick this November.”
Chairwoman Panos stated:
“I am honored beyond words by the overwhelming support I received last night by committee people from across the county. I commend my opponents on running a good race. Now the focus must turn to November and defeating Bob Menendez. Bob Hugin is our best chance in years of sending a Republican to the Senate, and we must do everything we can to ensure he is elected. We also have great Congressional, freeholder and council candidates in Middlesex County and we must do everything we can ensure they are elected as well.”