Meals available for Camden County seniors in need

Meals available for Camden County seniors in need
New hotline to handle all non-emergency assistance calls, volunteer opportunities
(Gloucester Township, NJ) – The Camden County Division of Senior and Disabled Services is prepared to ensure that no senior goes hungry during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. All residents previously enrolled in the Camden County Nutrition Program have automatically begun receiving home-delivery of meals this week, and seniors in need of meals – for any reason – can call the Division at (856) 374-MEAL to make immediate arrangements.
The Division is continuing to secure emergency supplies and resources which will enable meal delivery for the coming weeks. Jason Ravitz of Ravitz Family Markets has generously donated gift cards which can be used to buy shelf stable meals at Ravitz supermarkets.
“If you are a senior and you cannot get to the store, if you cannot cook for yourself, whatever the reason, we will make arrangements to make sure that you have nutritious meals throughout this crisis,” said Freeholder Carmen Rodriguez, liaison to the Division of Senior and Disabled Services. “The Freeholder Board is so grateful for the remarkable generosity of the Ravitz family and their commitment to community during this unprecedented moment in history. We are going to get through this crisis if we work together.”
Clients will receive seven meals once per week. Drop-offs are performed one day per week and vary by town.
In addition to securing meals for seniors, the Freeholder Board is pooling the county’s resources to ensure any senior or disabled county resident in need is able to get assistance.
Beginning today, senior and disabled residents can also call the Camden County Citizen Relief Emergency Worker (CREW) hotline if they are struggling to acquire essential supplies, prescription medication, travel to or from a medical appointment, or other critically important assistance. The Freeholder Board will also be working alongside the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey to facilitate help and support for our community. Together, both entities will be working to get individuals in at-risk populations the help they need to get through this historic time.
“Staff will be manning this line between 8:30 a.m. and 10 p.m., seven days a week. We have a team of volunteers on standby to make home deliveries, pick up supplies, and get you where you need to go,” said Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. “We have received a torrent of calls in recent days from healthy residents looking for ways to volunteer and support their vulnerable neighbors. We are being extremely mindful of social distancing guidelines as we move forward, but our community’s desire to care for one another has been truly awe-inspiring.”
Senior and disabled residents, as well as neighbors and family of those in need, can call (856) 858-3220 to receive assistance. Healthy residents interested in volunteering should contact (856) 374-6396. Medical personnel interested in volunteering should contact (856) 374-6141.