Mehrotra and Montes Release Campaign Video “Time’s Up”

Mehrotra and Montes Release Campaign Video “Time’s Up”


MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ—Candidates for Borough Council Anjali Mehrotra and Ileana Montes today released their second a digital ad, titled “Time’s Up.” The piece exposes Borough Council’s decision to do nothing about rampant sexual harassment, officers working side jobs while on duty, dangerous antics, and racism in the Mountainside Police Department to protect their friends and their positions.


“Borough Council swept the problems facing Mountainside under the rug for years to protect their friends and keep residents in the dark and now it is costing our community. For more than ten years, certain favored officers in the Mountainside police department sexually harassed their coworkers, used racial slurs, and left duty to work side jobs. Council’s failure to take action when these abuses were widely known cost Mountainside families hundreds of thousands of dollars in unearned raises and overtime pay, legal fees, and settlements and the costs continue to pile up.


“This campaign is about restoring Mountainside values to our Borough government and telling Council that ‘Time’s Up’ on entitlement, favoritism, harassment and wasteful spending. This November, Mountainside residents will stand up together for integrity and accountability in Borough Hall.”


You can watch the digital ad here



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