Menendez, Booker Join Call to Protect Access to Preventive, Reproductive Care

Menendez, Booker Join Call to Protect Access to Preventive, Reproductive Care
Trump Administration continues assault on women’s healthcare with Title X gag rule making it impossible for patients to make informed decisions with their doctor
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Bob Menendez, a senior member of the Senate Finance Committee that sets national health policy, and Cory Booker today joined more than two hundred of their colleagues in opposing the implementation of a domestic gag rule on Title X, the only federal grant program solely dedicated to family planning and related preventive services. The Members of Congress opposing this rule outnumber the House and Senate Republicans who urged the Trump Administration to implement the rule in April.
"The domestic gag rule would bar patients from receiving information to support their ability to make informed decisions about their own reproductive health," the Members of Congress wrote in a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar. "We strongly oppose efforts to undermine the integrity of the Title X program and harm the millions of people who rely on it for care. Federal health policy should be evidence-based and produced with the best interests of patients in mind."
Each year, roughly four million people rely on Title X-funded health centers for basic preventive health care, including cancer screenings, birth control, sexually transmitted infection screenings, pregnancy testing, and well-woman exams. In keeping with longstanding legal, ethical and medical standards of health care, Title X providers can offer patients medically accurate counseling on and referrals for all pregnancy options-including parenting, adoption, and abortion.
Reinstatement of the gag rule, which has never been fully implemented, would be President Trump's latest attempt to fulfill his pledge to "defund Planned Parenthood," whose health centers serve 40% of the patients who go to Title X for contraceptive care. If Planned Parenthood were eliminated as a Title X-funded provider, other Title X-funded health centers would have to expand their contraceptive caseloads by an average of 70%. The move would disproportionately impact communities of color, the uninsured, and low-income individuals, and could reverse progress made in critical areas. Title X has helped women avoid 822,000 unintended pregnancies, which would have resulted in 387,000 unplanned births and 278,000 abortions. Title X also yields critical cost savings to the American healthcare system - every dollar invested in Title X saves more than seven dollars in Medicaid-related costs.
Nearly two-thirds of Title X patients have incomes at or below the federal poverty level, and 43% of patients are uninsured. In 2016, nearly 4,000 Title X-funded health centers provided 720,000 Pap tests, nearly one million women with breast exams, and 1.2 million HIV tests. Title X providers offer confidential, medically accurate, and evidence-based care. Implementing a domestic gag rule would do enormous harm to the millions of patients across the country who count on the high standard of medical care provided by these health centers.
Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), and Representatives Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.), Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.), Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) and Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) led the efforts in both chambers.
The Senate letter can be viewed here.
The House letter can be viewed here.