Menendez/Hugin Race Moves to 'Leans'

Menendez/Hugin Race Moves to 'Leans'


MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — Real Clear Politics recently shifted the New Jersey Senate race from 'Likely Democrat' to 'Leans Democrat,' signaling the continued momentum for Bob Hugin's campaign to be New Jersey's next U.S. Senator.

"The recent rating change confirms what we've been experiencing here in New Jersey and what is being reflected in recent public polling: as New Jersey voters become more informed about Bob Menendez's corrupt track record, they are looking to Marine veteran and job creator Bob Hugin to be their next Senator," said Campaign Manager Stacy Schuster. "While this race is a tale of two Bobs from Union City, Bob Hugin and Bob Menendez could not be more different. Bob Menendez chose a life in politics to serve himself and his wealthy donors, while Bob Hugin chose a life of service. As more voters become informed about the facts, we fully expect New Jersey to elect Bob Hugin in November, a Senator we can all be proud of."

"To the casual observer, New Jersey appears to be solidly Democratic. Yet this overlooks the nuances of state politics. With a handful of exceptions, New Jersey has actually voted within a few points of the national average in presidential elections over the past 100 years. However, its lean is Democratic -- and rather consistently so over the past few years. Republicans rarely get blown out of the water here, but neither do they typically eclipse the 50 percent mark," according to the Race Analysis provided by Real Clear Politics.


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